[ios] iOS에서 기기 제조업체 및 모델을 얻는 방법?
현재 장치가 어떤 종류의 iPhone인지 확인할 수 있는지 궁금합니다.
NSString *deviceType = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model];
“iPhone”또는 “iPod”이 있는지 여부를 반환 하는 모델을 얻는 것이 가능하다는 것을 알고 있지만 iPhone 3GS vs. 및 iPhone 4 vs.가 있는지 감지 / 알 수 있는지 궁금합니다. iPhone 4S (실제로, 그래픽을 많이 사용하는 작업을 수행하기 때문에 실제로 3G가 있는지 여부를 결정하기 만하면됩니다) .
네, 감사합니다!
이 라이브러리는 http://github.com/erica/uidevice-extension/(Erica Sadun) 이 시도해보십시오 . (도서관은 7-8 세이므로 더 이상 사용되지 않습니다)
(샘플 코드) :
[[UIDevice currentDevice] platformType] // ex: UIDevice4GiPhone
[[UIDevice currentDevice] platformString] // ex: @"iPhone 4G"
또는이 방법을 사용할 수 있습니다 :
sys / utsname.h에서 uname을 사용하여 장치 모델 번호를 얻을 수 있습니다. 예를 들면 다음과 같습니다.
목표 -C
#import <sys/utsname.h> // import it in your header or implementation file.
NSString* deviceName()
struct utsname systemInfo;
return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine
스위프트 3
extension UIDevice {
var modelName: String {
var systemInfo = utsname()
let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
return identifier
결과는 다음과 같아야합니다.
// Output on a simulator
@"i386" on 32-bit Simulator
@"x86_64" on 64-bit Simulator
// Output on an iPhone
@"iPhone1,1" on iPhone
@"iPhone1,2" on iPhone 3G
@"iPhone2,1" on iPhone 3GS
@"iPhone3,1" on iPhone 4 (GSM)
@"iPhone3,2" on iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)
@"iPhone3,3" on iPhone 4 (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
@"iPhone4,1" on iPhone 4S
@"iPhone5,1" on iPhone 5 (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
@"iPhone5,2" on iPhone 5 (model A1429, everything else)
@"iPhone5,3" on iPhone 5c (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
@"iPhone5,4" on iPhone 5c (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
@"iPhone6,1" on iPhone 5s (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
@"iPhone6,2" on iPhone 5s (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
@"iPhone7,1" on iPhone 6 Plus
@"iPhone7,2" on iPhone 6
@"iPhone8,1" on iPhone 6S
@"iPhone8,2" on iPhone 6S Plus
@"iPhone8,4" on iPhone SE
@"iPhone9,1" on iPhone 7 (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,3" on iPhone 7 (GSM)
@"iPhone9,2" on iPhone 7 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone9,4" on iPhone 7 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,1" on iPhone 8 (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,4" on iPhone 8 (GSM)
@"iPhone10,2" on iPhone 8 Plus (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,5" on iPhone 8 Plus (GSM)
@"iPhone10,3" on iPhone X (CDMA)
@"iPhone10,6" on iPhone X (GSM)
@"iPhone11,2" on iPhone XS
@"iPhone11,4" on iPhone XS Max
@"iPhone11,6" on iPhone XS Max China
@"iPhone11,8" on iPhone XR
@"iPhone12,1" on iPhone 11
@"iPhone12,3" on iPhone 11 Pro
@"iPhone12,5" on iPhone 11 Pro Max
@"iPhone12,8" on iPhone SE (2nd Gen)
//iPad 1
@"iPad1,1" on iPad - Wifi (model A1219)
@"iPad1,2" on iPad - Wifi + Cellular (model A1337)
//iPad 2
@"iPad2,1" - Wifi (model A1395)
@"iPad2,2" - GSM (model A1396)
@"iPad2,3" - 3G (model A1397)
@"iPad2,4" - Wifi (model A1395)
// iPad Mini
@"iPad2,5" - Wifi (model A1432)
@"iPad2,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1454)
@"iPad2,7" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1455)
//iPad 3
@"iPad3,1" - Wifi (model A1416)
@"iPad3,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1403)
@"iPad3,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1430)
//iPad 4
@"iPad3,4" - Wifi (model A1458)
@"iPad3,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1459)
@"iPad3,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1460)
//iPad AIR
@"iPad4,1" - Wifi (model A1474)
@"iPad4,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1475)
@"iPad4,3" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1476)
// iPad Mini 2
@"iPad4,4" - Wifi (model A1489)
@"iPad4,5" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1490)
@"iPad4,6" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1491)
// iPad Mini 3
@"iPad4,7" - Wifi (model A1599)
@"iPad4,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1600)
@"iPad4,9" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1601)
// iPad Mini 4
@"iPad5,1" - Wifi (model A1538)
@"iPad5,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1550)
//iPad AIR 2
@"iPad5,3" - Wifi (model A1566)
@"iPad5,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1567)
// iPad PRO 9.7"
@"iPad6,3" - Wifi (model A1673)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1674)
@"iPad6,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1675)
//iPad PRO 12.9"
@"iPad6,7" - Wifi (model A1584)
@"iPad6,8" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1652)
//iPad (5th generation)
@"iPad6,11" - Wifi (model A1822)
@"iPad6,12" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1823)
//iPad PRO 12.9" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad7,1" - Wifi (model A1670)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1671)
@"iPad7,2" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1821)
//iPad PRO 10.5"
@"iPad7,3" - Wifi (model A1701)
@"iPad7,4" - Wifi + Cellular (model A1709)
// iPad (6th Gen)
@"iPad7,5" - WiFi
@"iPad7,6" - WiFi + Cellular
// iPad (7th Gen)
@"iPad7,11" - WiFi
@"iPad7,12" - WiFi + Cellular
//iPad PRO 11"
@"iPad8,1" - WiFi
@"iPad8,2" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,3" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,4" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular
//iPad PRO 12.9" (3rd Gen)
@"iPad8,5" - WiFi
@"iPad8,6" - 1TB, WiFi
@"iPad8,7" - WiFi + Cellular
@"iPad8,8" - 1TB, WiFi + Cellular
//iPad PRO 11" (2nd Gen)
@"iPad8,9" - WiFi
@"iPad8,10" - 1TB, WiFi
//iPad PRO 12.9" (4th Gen)
@"iPad8,11" - (WiFi)
@"iPad8,12" - (WiFi+Cellular)
// iPad mini 5th Gen
@"iPad11,1" - WiFi
@"iPad11,2" - Wifi + Cellular
// iPad Air 3rd Gen
@"iPad11,3" - Wifi
@"iPad11,4" - Wifi + Cellular
//iPod Touch
@"iPod1,1" on iPod Touch
@"iPod2,1" on iPod Touch Second Generation
@"iPod3,1" on iPod Touch Third Generation
@"iPod4,1" on iPod Touch Fourth Generation
@"iPod5,1" on iPod Touch 5th Generation
@"iPod7,1" on iPod Touch 6th Generation
@"iPod9,1" on iPod Touch 7th Generation
// Apple Watch
@"Watch1,1" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch1,2" on Apple Watch 38mm case
@"Watch2,6" on Apple Watch Series 1 38mm case
@"Watch2,7" on Apple Watch Series 1 42mm case
@"Watch2,3" on Apple Watch Series 2 38mm case
@"Watch2,4" on Apple Watch Series 2 42mm case
@"Watch3,1" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,2" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch3,3" on Apple Watch Series 3 38mm case (GPS)
@"Watch3,4" on Apple Watch Series 3 42mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,1" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,2" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch4,3" on Apple Watch Series 4 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch4,4" on Apple Watch Series 4 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,1" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,2" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS)
@"Watch5,3" on Apple Watch Series 5 40mm case (GPS+Cellular)
@"Watch5,4" on Apple Watch Series 5 44mm case (GPS+Cellular)
위의 OhhMee의 답변을 확장하여 목록에 포함되지 않은 미래의 장치를 지원하기 위해 몇 가지 안전 장치를 추가했습니다.
#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import "MyClass.h"
@implementation MyClass
//(your private ivars)
- (NSString*) deviceName
struct utsname systemInfo;
NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine
static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;
if (!deviceNamesByCode) {
deviceNamesByCode = @{@"i386" : @"Simulator",
@"x86_64" : @"Simulator",
@"iPod1,1" : @"iPod Touch", // (Original)
@"iPod2,1" : @"iPod Touch", // (Second Generation)
@"iPod3,1" : @"iPod Touch", // (Third Generation)
@"iPod4,1" : @"iPod Touch", // (Fourth Generation)
@"iPod7,1" : @"iPod Touch", // (6th Generation)
@"iPhone1,1" : @"iPhone", // (Original)
@"iPhone1,2" : @"iPhone", // (3G)
@"iPhone2,1" : @"iPhone", // (3GS)
@"iPad1,1" : @"iPad", // (Original)
@"iPad2,1" : @"iPad 2", //
@"iPad3,1" : @"iPad", // (3rd Generation)
@"iPhone3,1" : @"iPhone 4", // (GSM)
@"iPhone3,3" : @"iPhone 4", // (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
@"iPhone4,1" : @"iPhone 4S", //
@"iPhone5,1" : @"iPhone 5", // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
@"iPhone5,2" : @"iPhone 5", // (model A1429, everything else)
@"iPad3,4" : @"iPad", // (4th Generation)
@"iPad2,5" : @"iPad Mini", // (Original)
@"iPhone5,3" : @"iPhone 5c", // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
@"iPhone5,4" : @"iPhone 5c", // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
@"iPhone6,1" : @"iPhone 5s", // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
@"iPhone6,2" : @"iPhone 5s", // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
@"iPhone7,1" : @"iPhone 6 Plus", //
@"iPhone7,2" : @"iPhone 6", //
@"iPhone8,1" : @"iPhone 6S", //
@"iPhone8,2" : @"iPhone 6S Plus", //
@"iPhone8,4" : @"iPhone SE", //
@"iPhone9,1" : @"iPhone 7", //
@"iPhone9,3" : @"iPhone 7", //
@"iPhone9,2" : @"iPhone 7 Plus", //
@"iPhone9,4" : @"iPhone 7 Plus", //
@"iPhone10,1": @"iPhone 8", // CDMA
@"iPhone10,4": @"iPhone 8", // GSM
@"iPhone10,2": @"iPhone 8 Plus", // CDMA
@"iPhone10,5": @"iPhone 8 Plus", // GSM
@"iPhone10,3": @"iPhone X", // CDMA
@"iPhone10,6": @"iPhone X", // GSM
@"iPhone11,2": @"iPhone XS", //
@"iPhone11,4": @"iPhone XS Max", //
@"iPhone11,6": @"iPhone XS Max", // China
@"iPhone11,8": @"iPhone XR", //
@"iPhone12,1": @"iPhone 11", //
@"iPhone12,3": @"iPhone 11 Pro", //
@"iPhone12,5": @"iPhone 11 Pro Max", //
@"iPad4,1" : @"iPad Air", // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
@"iPad4,2" : @"iPad Air", // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
@"iPad4,4" : @"iPad Mini", // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
@"iPad4,5" : @"iPad Mini", // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)
@"iPad4,7" : @"iPad Mini", // (3rd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi (model A1599))
@"iPad6,7" : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1584)
@"iPad6,8" : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1652)
@"iPad6,3" : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")", // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (model A1673)
@"iPad6,4" : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")" // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (models A1674 and A1675)
NSString* deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];
if (!deviceName) {
// Not found on database. At least guess main device type from string contents:
if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
deviceName = @"iPad";
else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
deviceName = @"iPhone";
else {
deviceName = @"Unknown";
return deviceName;
// (rest of class implementation omitted)
또한 자세한 정보 (예 : “model A1507, A1516, A1526 (중국), A1529 | Global”)를 생략하고이를 사용자가 직면 한 문자열로 사용하고 놀라게하지 않으려는 경우 주석에 배치했습니다.
편집 : 이 답변 은 Swift 2를 사용하여 유사한 구현을 제공합니다.
편집 2 : 방금 iPad Pro 모델 (둘 다 크기)을 추가했습니다. 나중에 참조 할 수 있도록 모델 번호 등 iPhone Wiki 에서 찾을 수 있습니다 .
편집 3 : iPhone XS, iPhone XS Max 및 iPhone XR에 대한 지원을 추가하십시오.
편집 4 : iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro 및 iPhone 11 Pro Max에 대한 지원 추가
각 장치의 완전한 이름을 얻는 데 도움이되는 plist 파일을 만들었습니다 (응답 끝에 소스 코드가 있음)
를 기반으로 OhhMee의 대답 , 당신은 다음과 같이 사용할 수 있습니다 :
스위프트 4.0
static func deviceName() -> String {
var systemInfo = utsname()
guard let iOSDeviceModelsPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "iOSDeviceModelMapping", ofType: "plist") else { return "" }
guard let iOSDevices = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: iOSDeviceModelsPath) else { return "" }
let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
return iOSDevices.value(forKey: identifier) as! String
#import <sys/utsname.h>
브리징 헤더 를 추가하는 것을 잊지 마십시오 .
목표 C
#import <sys/utsname.h>
NSString *machineName()
struct utsname systemInfo;
NSString *iOSDeviceModelsPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"iOSDeviceModelMapping" ofType:@"plist"];
NSDictionary *iOSDevices = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:iOSDeviceModelsPath];
NSString* deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine
return [iOSDevices valueForKey:deviceModel];
plist 파일 :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<string>iPod Touch 1st Gen</string>
<string>iPod Touch 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPod Touch 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPod Touch 4th Gen</string>
<string>iPod Touch 5th Gen</string>
<string>iPod Touch 6th Gen</string>
<string>iPhone 3G</string>
<string>iPhone 3GS</string>
<string>iPhone 4</string>
<string>iPhone 4</string>
<string>iPhone 4</string>
<string>iPhone 4S</string>
<string>iPhone 5 model A1428</string>
<string>iPhone 5 model A1429</string>
<string>iPhone 5C</string>
<string>iPhone 5C</string>
<string>iPhone 5S</string>
<string>iPhone 5S</string>
<string>iPhone 6</string>
<string>iPhone 6 Plus</string>
<string>iPhone 6S</string>
<string>iPhone 6S Plus</string>
<string>iPhone SE</string>
<string>iPhone 7</string>
<string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
<string>iPhone 7</string>
<string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
<string>iPhone 8</string>
<string>iPhone 8</string>
<string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
<string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
<string>iPhone X</string>
<string>iPhone X</string>
<string>iPhone XS</string>
<string>iPhone XS Max</string>
<string>iPhone XS Max</string>
<string>iPhone XR</string>
<string>iPad 2</string>
<string>iPad 2</string>
<string>iPad 2</string>
<string>iPad 2</string>
<string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
<string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
<string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
<string>iPad Air</string>
<string>iPad Air</string>
<string>iPad Air</string>
<string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Mini 4</string>
<string>iPad Mini 4</string>
<string>iPad Air 2</string>
<string>iPad Air 2</string>
<string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
<string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
[[UIDevice currentDevice] model]
다만 반환 iPhone
또는 iPod
, 당신은 당신이 장치의 다른 세대를 구별 할 것입니다 모델의 번호를하지 않습니다.
이 방법을 코딩하십시오 :
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+ (NSString *)getModel {
size_t size;
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
char *model = malloc(size);
sysctlbyname("hw.machine", model, &size, NULL, 0);
NSString *deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:model encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return deviceModel;
[self getModel]
모델이 필요할 때마다이 메소드를 호출하면 엄청나게 얇고 빠른 iPhone 5의 경우 “iPhone5,1″이 표시됩니다.
좋은 방법 중 하나는 클래스 를 가져와 호출하는 것만으로 앱의 어느 곳에서나이 정보를 얻을 수 있도록 클래스를 만들고 거기 Utils.h/Utils.m
에 메소드를 추가하는 것입니다.getModel
[Utils getModel];
나는 NicolasMiari의 구현을 최적화 Simulator
하고 여기에 추가 했습니다.
+ (NSString*)deviceName {
static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;
static NSString* deviceName = nil;
if (deviceName) {
return deviceName;
deviceNamesByCode = @{
@"i386" :@"Simulator",
@"iPod1,1" :@"iPod Touch", // (Original)
@"iPod2,1" :@"iPod Touch", // (Second Generation)
@"iPod3,1" :@"iPod Touch", // (Third Generation)
@"iPod4,1" :@"iPod Touch", // (Fourth Generation)
@"iPhone1,1" :@"iPhone", // (Original)
@"iPhone1,2" :@"iPhone", // (3G)
@"iPhone2,1" :@"iPhone", // (3GS)
@"iPad1,1" :@"iPad", // (Original)
@"iPad2,1" :@"iPad 2", //
@"iPad3,1" :@"iPad", // (3rd Generation)
@"iPhone3,1" :@"iPhone 4", //
@"iPhone4,1" :@"iPhone 4S", //
@"iPhone5,1" :@"iPhone 5", // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
@"iPhone5,2" :@"iPhone 5", // (model A1429, everything else)
@"iPad3,4" :@"iPad", // (4th Generation)
@"iPad2,5" :@"iPad Mini", // (Original)
@"iPhone5,3" :@"iPhone 5c", // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
@"iPhone5,4" :@"iPhone 5c", // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
@"iPhone6,1" :@"iPhone 5s", // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
@"iPhone6,2" :@"iPhone 5s", // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
@"iPad4,1" :@"iPad Air", // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
@"iPad4,2" :@"iPad Air", // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
@"iPad4,4" :@"iPad Mini", // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
@"iPad4,5" :@"iPad Mini" // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)
struct utsname systemInfo;
NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];
if (!deviceName) {
// Not found in database. At least guess main device type from string contents:
if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
} else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
deviceName = @"iPad";
} else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
deviceName = @"iPhone";
} else {
deviceName = @"Simulator";
return deviceName;
아래는 그 코드입니다 ( 코드는 모든 장치의 문자열을 포함하지 않을 수 있습니다. 다른 사람들과 GitHub 에서 동일한 코드를 유지하고 있으므로 최신 코드를 가져 가십시오 )
Objective-C : GitHub / DeviceUtil
스위프트 : GitHub / DeviceGuru
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
- (NSString*)hardwareDescription {
NSString *hardware = [self hardwareString];
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,1"]) return @"iPhone 2G";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone1,2"]) return @"iPhone 3G";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone3,1"]) return @"iPhone 4";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone4,1"]) return @"iPhone 4S";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPhone5,1"]) return @"iPhone 5";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod1,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 1G";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPod2,1"]) return @"iPodTouch 2G";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad1,1"]) return @"iPad";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad2,6"]) return @"iPad Mini";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"iPad4,1"]) return @"iPad Air WIFI";
//there are lots of other strings too, checkout the github repo
//link is given at the top of this answer
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"i386"]) return @"Simulator";
if ([hardware isEqualToString:@"x86_64"]) return @"Simulator";
return nil;
- (NSString*)hardwareString {
size_t size = 100;
char *hw_machine = malloc(size);
int name[] = {CTL_HW,HW_MACHINE};
sysctl(name, 2, hw_machine, &size, NULL, 0);
NSString *hardware = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:hw_machine];
return hardware;
NSString 설명에서 벗어나기위한 범주
일반적으로 코드 전체에서 임의의 문자열 비교를 피하는 것이 좋습니다. 한 곳에서 문자열을 업데이트하고 앱에서 마법의 문자열을 숨기는 것이 좋습니다. UIDevice
그 목적 을 위해 카테고리를 제공합니다 .
특정 요구에 따라 다른 방법으로 쉽게 검색 할 수있는 네트워킹 기능에 대한 세부 정보를 알 필요없이 사용중인 장치를 알아야합니다. 따라서 enum
점점 늘어나는 장치 목록보다 더 거칠게 보입니다 .
업데이트는 열거 및 조회 테이블에 장치를 추가하는 문제입니다.
UIDevice + NTNUExtensions.h
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, NTNUDeviceType) {
@interface UIDevice (NTNUExtensions)
- (NSString *)ntnu_deviceDescription;
- (NTNUDeviceType)ntnu_deviceType;
UIDevice + NTNUExtensions.m
#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import "UIDevice+NTNUExtensions.h"
@implementation UIDevice (NTNUExtensions)
- (NSString *)ntnu_deviceDescription
struct utsname systemInfo;
return [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
- (NTNUDeviceType)ntnu_deviceType
NSNumber *deviceType = [[self ntnu_deviceTypeLookupTable] objectForKey:[self ntnu_deviceDescription]];
return [deviceType unsignedIntegerValue];
- (NSDictionary *)ntnu_deviceTypeLookupTable
return @{
@"i386": @(DeviceAppleSimulator),
@"x86_64": @(DeviceAppleSimulator),
@"iPod1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch),
@"iPod2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch2G),
@"iPod3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch3G),
@"iPod4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPodTouch4G),
@"iPhone1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone),
@"iPhone1,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone3G),
@"iPhone2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone3GS),
@"iPhone3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4),
@"iPhone3,3": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4),
@"iPhone4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone4S),
@"iPhone5,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5),
@"iPhone5,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5),
@"iPhone5,3": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5C),
@"iPhone5,4": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5C),
@"iPhone6,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5S),
@"iPhone6,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone5S),
@"iPhone7,1": @(DeviceAppleiPhone6_Plus),
@"iPhone7,2": @(DeviceAppleiPhone6),
@"iPhone8,1" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone6S),
@"iPhone8,2" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone6S_Plus),
@"iPhone8,4" :@(DeviceAppleiPhoneSE),
@"iPhone9,1" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7),
@"iPhone9,3" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7),
@"iPhone9,2" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7_Plus),
@"iPhone9,4" :@(DeviceAppleiPhone7_Plus),
@"iPad1,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad),
@"iPad2,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad2),
@"iPad3,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad3G),
@"iPad3,4": @(DeviceAppleiPad4G),
@"iPad2,5": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini),
@"iPad4,1": @(DeviceAppleiPad5G_Air),
@"iPad4,2": @(DeviceAppleiPad5G_Air),
@"iPad4,4": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini2G),
@"iPad4,5": @(DeviceAppleiPadMini2G),