그룹없이 data.table에 NA 값을 채우고 싶었습니다. 시간과 거리를 나타내는이 data.table 추출을 고려하십시오.
df <- data.frame(time = seq(7173, 7195, 1), dist = c(31091.33, NA, 31100.00, 31103.27, NA, NA, NA, NA, 31124.98, NA,31132.81, NA, NA, NA, NA, 31154.19, NA, 31161.47, NA, NA, NA, NA, 31182.97))
DT<- data.table(df)
DT data.table에서 NA 값을 비 NA 값에 따라 함수로 채우기 전후에 채우고 싶습니다. 예를 들어, j로 함수를 작성하여 각 명령어를 대체
DT[2, dist := (31091.33 + (31100-31091.33) / 2)]
DT[5:8, dist := (31103.27 + "something" * (31124.98 - 31103.27) / 5)]
코드는 인라인으로 설명됩니다. df[,dist_before := NULL]
예를 들어을 사용하여 임시 열을 삭제할 수 있습니다 .
#> time dist
#> 1: 7173 31091.33
#> 2: 7174 NA
#> 3: 7175 31100.00
#> 4: 7176 31103.27
#> 5: 7177 NA
#> 6: 7178 NA
#> 7: 7179 NA
#> 8: 7180 NA
#> 9: 7181 31124.98
#> 10: 7182 NA
#> 11: 7183 31132.81
#> 12: 7184 NA
#> 13: 7185 NA
#> 14: 7186 NA
#> 15: 7187 NA
#> 16: 7188 31154.19
#> 17: 7189 NA
#> 18: 7190 31161.47
#> 19: 7191 NA
#> 20: 7192 NA
#> 21: 7193 NA
#> 22: 7194 NA
#> 23: 7195 31182.97
#> time dist
# Carry forward the last non-missing observation
df[,dist_before := nafill(dist, "locf")]
# Bring back the next non-missing dist
df[,dist_after := nafill(dist, "nocb")]
# rleid will create groups based on run-lengths of values within the data.
# This means 4 NA's in a row will be grouped together, for example.
# We then count the missings and add 1, because we want the
# last NA before the next non-missing to be less than the non-missing value.
df[, rle := rleid(dist)][,missings := max(.N + 1 , 2), by = rle][]
#> time dist dist_before dist_after rle missings
#> 1: 7173 31091.33 31091.33 31091.33 1 2
#> 2: 7174 NA 31091.33 31100.00 2 2
#> 3: 7175 31100.00 31100.00 31100.00 3 2
#> 4: 7176 31103.27 31103.27 31103.27 4 2
#> 5: 7177 NA 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 6: 7178 NA 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 7: 7179 NA 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 8: 7180 NA 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 9: 7181 31124.98 31124.98 31124.98 6 2
#> 10: 7182 NA 31124.98 31132.81 7 2
#> 11: 7183 31132.81 31132.81 31132.81 8 2
#> 12: 7184 NA 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 13: 7185 NA 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 14: 7186 NA 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 15: 7187 NA 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 16: 7188 31154.19 31154.19 31154.19 10 2
#> 17: 7189 NA 31154.19 31161.47 11 2
#> 18: 7190 31161.47 31161.47 31161.47 12 2
#> 19: 7191 NA 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 20: 7192 NA 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 21: 7193 NA 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 22: 7194 NA 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 23: 7195 31182.97 31182.97 31182.97 14 2
#> time dist dist_before dist_after rle missings
# .SD[,.I] will get us the row number relative to the group it is in.
# For example, row 5 dist is calculated as
# dist_before + 1 * (dist_after - dist_before)/5
df[is.na(dist), dist := dist_before + .SD[,.I] *
(dist_after - dist_before)/(missings), by = rle]
#> time dist dist_before dist_after rle missings
#> 1: 7173 31091.33 31091.33 31091.33 1 2
#> 2: 7174 31095.67 31091.33 31100.00 2 2
#> 3: 7175 31100.00 31100.00 31100.00 3 2
#> 4: 7176 31103.27 31103.27 31103.27 4 2
#> 5: 7177 31107.61 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 6: 7178 31111.95 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 7: 7179 31116.30 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 8: 7180 31120.64 31103.27 31124.98 5 5
#> 9: 7181 31124.98 31124.98 31124.98 6 2
#> 10: 7182 31128.90 31124.98 31132.81 7 2
#> 11: 7183 31132.81 31132.81 31132.81 8 2
#> 12: 7184 31137.09 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 13: 7185 31141.36 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 14: 7186 31145.64 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 15: 7187 31149.91 31132.81 31154.19 9 5
#> 16: 7188 31154.19 31154.19 31154.19 10 2
#> 17: 7189 31157.83 31154.19 31161.47 11 2
#> 18: 7190 31161.47 31161.47 31161.47 12 2
#> 19: 7191 31165.77 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 20: 7192 31170.07 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 21: 7193 31174.37 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 22: 7194 31178.67 31161.47 31182.97 13 5
#> 23: 7195 31182.97 31182.97 31182.97 14 2
#> time dist dist_before dist_after rle missings
당신은 사용할 수 있습니다 approx
함수를 선형 보간을 수행 .
의 각 그룹에 대해 NA
그 DT
전후에 행 을 더한 하위 집합을 가져옵니다 . 그런 다음 approx
서브 세트 의 행 수와 동일한 인수로 dist
벡터 의이 서브 세트에 적용 하십시오 .n
DT[, g := rleid(dist)]
DT[is.na(dist), dist := {
i <- .I[c(1, .N)] + c(-1, 1)
DT[i[1]:i[2], approx(dist, n = .N)$y[-c(1, .N)]]
}, by = g]
또는없이 approx
DT[, g := rleid(dist)]
DT[is.na(dist), dist := {
i <- .I[c(1, .N)] + c(-1, 1)
DT[i[1]:i[2], dist[1] + 1:(.N - 2)*(dist[.N] - dist[1])/(.N - 1)]
}, by = g]
편집 :이 답변을 수락했기 때문에 다른 답변이 더 빠르며 @dww의 답변의 두 번째 부분은 기본적으로 첫 번째 코드 블록이지만 불필요한 그룹화 부분이 제거되어 있으므로 더 간단하고 빠릅니다.
다른 2 가지 옵션 :
1) 롤링 조인 :
DT[is.na(dist), dist := {
x0y0 <- DT[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
2) 또 다른 가까운 smingerson 답변 변형 nafill
DT[, dist := {
y0 <- nafill(dist, "locf")
x0 <- nafill(replace(time, is.na(dist), NA), "locf")
y1 <- nafill(dist, "nocb")
x1 <- nafill(replace(time, is.na(dist), NA), "nocb")
fifelse(is.na(dist), (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) * (time - x0) + y0, dist)
타이밍 코드 :
# df=data.frame(time=seq(7173,7195,1),dist=c(31091.33,NA,31100.00,31103.27,NA,NA,NA,NA,31124.98,NA,31132.81,NA,NA,NA,NA,31154.19,NA,31161.47,NA,NA,NA,NA,31182.97))
# DT=data.table(df)
nr <- 1e7
nNA <- nr/2
DT <- data.table(time=1:nr, dist=replace(rnorm(nr), sample(1:nr, nNA), NA_real_))
DT00 <- copy(DT)
DT01 <- copy(DT)
DT1 <- copy(DT)
DT20 <- copy(DT)
DT201 <- copy(DT)
DT202 <- copy(DT)
DT21 <- copy(DT)
mtd00 <- function() {
DT00[, g := rleid(is.na(dist))]
DT00[is.na(dist), dist := {
i <- .I[c(1, .N)] + c(-1, 1)
DT00[i[1]:i[2], approx(dist, n = .N)$y[-c(1, .N)]]
}, by = g]
mtd01 <- function() {
DT01[, g := rleid(is.na(dist))]
DT01[is.na(dist), dist := {
i <- .I[c(1, .N)] + c(-1, 1)
DT01[i[1]:i[2], dist[1] + 1:(.N - 2)*(dist[.N] - dist[1])/(.N - 1)]
}, by = g]
mtd1 <- function() {
DT1[,dist_before := nafill(dist, "locf")]
DT1[,dist_after := nafill(dist, "nocb")]
DT1[, rle := rleid(dist)][,missings := max(.N + 1 , 2), by = rle][]
DT1[is.na(dist), dist_before + .SD[,.I] *
(dist_after - dist_before)/(missings), by = rle]
mtd20 <- function() {
DT20[is.na(dist), {
x0y0 <- DT20[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT20[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
mtd201 <- function() {
i <- DT201[, is.na(dist)]
DT201[(i), {
x0y0 <- DT201[(!i)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT201[(!i)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
mtd202 <- function() {
i <- DT201[is.na(dist), which=TRUE]
DT201[i, {
x0y0 <- DT201[-i][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT201[-i][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
mtd21 <- function() {
DT21[, {
y0 <- nafill(dist, "locf")
x0 <- nafill(replace(time, is.na(dist), NA), "locf")
y1 <- nafill(dist, "nocb")
x1 <- nafill(replace(time, is.na(dist), NA), "nocb")
fifelse(is.na(dist), (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) * (time - x0) + y0, dist)
#mtd00(), mtd01(),
mtd20(), mtd201(), mtd202(),
mtd21(), check=FALSE)
타이밍 :
# A tibble: 4 x 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 mtd20() 1.19s 1.19s 0.838 1.01GB 1.68 1 2 1.19s <dbl [5,000,000]> <df[,3] [292 x 3~ <bch:t~ <tibble [1 x ~
2 mtd201() 1.12s 1.12s 0.894 954.06MB 0.894 1 1 1.12s <dbl [5,000,000]> <df[,3] [341 x 3~ <bch:t~ <tibble [1 x ~
3 mtd202() 1.16s 1.16s 0.864 858.66MB 1.73 1 2 1.16s <dbl [5,000,000]> <df[,3] [392 x 3~ <bch:t~ <tibble [1 x ~
4 mtd21() 729.93ms 729.93ms 1.37 763.11MB 1.37 1 1 729.93ms <dbl [10,000,000~ <df[,3] [215 x 3~ <bch:t~ <tibble [1 x ~
편집 : is.na(dist)
여러 번 사용 하는 것에 대한 의견을 제시하려면 :
nr <- 1e7
nNA <- nr/2
DT <- data.table(time=1:nr, dist=replace(rnorm(nr), sample(1:nr, nNA), NA_real_))
DT20 <- copy(DT)
DT201 <- copy(DT)
DT202 <- copy(DT)
mtd20 <- function() {
DT20[is.na(dist), dist := {
x0y0 <- DT20[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT20[!is.na(dist)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
mtd201 <- function() {
i <- DT201[, is.na(dist)]
DT201[(i), dist := {
x0y0 <- DT201[(!i)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT201[(!i)][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
mtd202 <- function() {
i <- DT201[is.na(dist), which=TRUE]
DT201[i, dist := {
x0y0 <- DT201[-i][.SD, on=.(time), roll=Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
x1y1 <- DT201[-i][.SD, on=.(time), roll=-Inf, .(time=x.time, dist=x.dist)]
(x1y1$dist - x0y0$dist) / (x1y1$time - x0y0$time) * (time - x0y0$time) + x0y0$dist
타이밍 :
# A tibble: 3 x 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr n_gc total_time result memory time gc
<bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <dbl> <bch:byt> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <bch:tm> <list> <list> <list> <list>
1 mtd20() 24.1ms 25.8ms 37.5 1.01GB 13.6 11 4 294ms <df[,2] [10,000,000 x 2]> <df[,3] [310 x 3]> <bch:tm> <tibble [15 x 3]>
2 mtd201() 24.8ms 25.6ms 38.2 954.07MB 8.19 14 3 366ms <df[,2] [10,000,000 x 2]> <df[,3] [398 x 3]> <bch:tm> <tibble [17 x 3]>
3 mtd202() 24ms 25.6ms 38.3 76.39MB 8.22 14 3 365ms <df[,2] [10,000,000 x 2]> <df[,3] [241 x 3]> <bch:tm> <tibble [17 x 3]>
통화 횟수를 줄일 때 타이밍이 많이 차이가 나지 않음
사용 library(zoo)
DT[, dist := na.approx(dist)]
또는 다른 패키지를 사용하지 않고 기본 R 함수를 고수하려면 다음을 수행하십시오.
DT[, dist := approx(.I, dist, .I)$y]
다음 은 모든 NA 요소에 대한 추가 패스와 함께 모든 것을 한 번 반복 하는 rcpp 접근 방식입니다.
Rcpp::sourceCpp(code = '
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector rcpp_approx2D(IntegerVector x, NumericVector y) {
double x_start = 0, y_start = 0, slope = 0;
int count = 0;
NumericVector y1 = clone(y); //added to not update-by-reference
for(int i = 0; i < y1.size(); ++i){
if (NumericVector::is_na(y1[i])){
} else {
if (count != 0) {
x_start = x[i-(count+1)];
y_start = y1[i-(count+1)];
slope = (y1[i] - y_start) / (x[i]- x_start);
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++){
y1[i-(count-j)] = y_start + slope * (x[i - (count - j)] - x_start);
count = 0;
그런 다음 R에서 :
DT[, rcpp_approx2D(time, dist)]