C # (2)에서 일반적인 양방향 1 : 1 사전 클래스를 찾고 있습니다. BiDictionaryOneToOne<T, S>
단지 (어쨌든 RefEquals까지) 각각의 값과 키 중 하나를 포함에 보장 된, 그리고 중 키 또는 값을 사용하여 검색 할 수있다. 누구든지 아는 사람이 있습니까? 아니면 직접 구현해야합니까? 이게 제일 먼저 필요하다는 게 믿기지 않아 …
이 질문 에 대한 답변에는 BiDictionary가 있지만 고유 요소가 아닙니다 (또한 RemoveByFirst (T t) 또는 RemoveBySecond (S s)를 구현하지 않습니다).
좋아, 여기에 내 시도가 있습니다 (Jon의 빌드-감사합니다), 여기에 보관되어 개선을 위해 열려 있습니다.
/// <summary>
/// This is a dictionary guaranteed to have only one of each value and key.
/// It may be searched either by TFirst or by TSecond, giving a unique answer because it is 1 to 1.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TFirst">The type of the "key"</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TSecond">The type of the "value"</typeparam>
public class BiDictionaryOneToOne<TFirst, TSecond>
IDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>();
IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst> secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst>();
#region Exception throwing methods
/// <summary>
/// Tries to add the pair to the dictionary.
/// Throws an exception if either element is already in the dictionary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
public void Add(TFirst first, TSecond second)
if (firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) || secondToFirst.ContainsKey(second))
throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate first or second");
firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
secondToFirst.Add(second, first);
/// <summary>
/// Find the TSecond corresponding to the TFirst first
/// Throws an exception if first is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key to search for</param>
/// <returns>the value corresponding to first</returns>
public TSecond GetByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
throw new ArgumentException("first");
return second;
/// <summary>
/// Find the TFirst corresponing to the Second second.
/// Throws an exception if second is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key to search for</param>
/// <returns>the value corresponding to second</returns>
public TFirst GetBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
throw new ArgumentException("second");
return first;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing first.
/// If first is not in the dictionary, throws an Exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key of the record to delete</param>
public void RemoveByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
throw new ArgumentException("first");
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing second.
/// If second is not in the dictionary, throws an Exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key of the record to delete</param>
public void RemoveBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
throw new ArgumentException("second");
#region Try methods
/// <summary>
/// Tries to add the pair to the dictionary.
/// Returns false if either element is already in the dictionary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns>true if successfully added, false if either element are already in the dictionary</returns>
public Boolean TryAdd(TFirst first, TSecond second)
if (firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) || secondToFirst.ContainsKey(second))
return false;
firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
secondToFirst.Add(second, first);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Find the TSecond corresponding to the TFirst first.
/// Returns false if first is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key to search for</param>
/// <param name="second">the corresponding value</param>
/// <returns>true if first is in the dictionary, false otherwise</returns>
public Boolean TryGetByFirst(TFirst first, out TSecond second)
return firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second);
/// <summary>
/// Find the TFirst corresponding to the TSecond second.
/// Returns false if second is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key to search for</param>
/// <param name="first">the corresponding value</param>
/// <returns>true if second is in the dictionary, false otherwise</returns>
public Boolean TryGetBySecond(TSecond second, out TFirst first)
return secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing first, if there is one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <returns> If first is not in the dictionary, returns false, otherwise true</returns>
public Boolean TryRemoveByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing second, if there is one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns> If second is not in the dictionary, returns false, otherwise true</returns>
public Boolean TryRemoveBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// The number of pairs stored in the dictionary
/// </summary>
public Int32 Count
get { return firstToSecond.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// Removes all items from the dictionary.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
양방향 사전의보다 완전한 구현 :
- 거의 모든 원본 인터페이스 지원
(인프라 인터페이스 제외) :IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue>
ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
(이 및 아래는 위의 기본 인터페이스입니다)ICollection
IReadOnlyCollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>
- 직렬화를 사용하여
. - 디버그보기 사용
(카운트 정보 포함) 및DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute
(시계에 키-값 쌍 표시 용 . - 리버스 사전은
IDictionary<TValue, TKey> Reverse
속성 으로 사용할 수 있으며 위에서 언급 한 모든 인터페이스를 구현합니다. 두 사전에 대한 모든 작업은 둘 다 수정합니다.
var dic = new BiDictionary<int, string>();
dic.Add(1, "1");
dic[2] = "2";
dic.Reverse.Add("3", 3);
dic.Reverse["4"] = 4;
코드는 GitHub의 개인 프레임 워크에서 사용할 수 있습니다 : BiDictionary (TFirst, TSecond) .cs ( permalink , search ).
[DebuggerDisplay ("Count = {Count}"), DebuggerTypeProxy (typeof(DictionaryDebugView<,>))]
public class BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> : IDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>, IReadOnlyDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>, IDictionary
private readonly IDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> _firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>();
private readonly IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst> _secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst>();
private readonly ReverseDictionary _reverseDictionary;
public BiDictionary ()
_reverseDictionary = new ReverseDictionary(this);
public IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst> Reverse
get { return _reverseDictionary; }
public int Count
get { return _firstToSecond.Count; }
object ICollection.SyncRoot
get { return ((ICollection)_firstToSecond).SyncRoot; }
bool ICollection.IsSynchronized
get { return ((ICollection)_firstToSecond).IsSynchronized; }
bool IDictionary.IsFixedSize
get { return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).IsFixedSize; }
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return _firstToSecond.IsReadOnly || _secondToFirst.IsReadOnly; }
public TSecond this [TFirst key]
get { return _firstToSecond[key]; }
_firstToSecond[key] = value;
_secondToFirst[value] = key;
object IDictionary.this [object key]
get { return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond)[key]; }
((IDictionary)_firstToSecond)[key] = value;
((IDictionary)_secondToFirst)[value] = key;
public ICollection<TFirst> Keys
get { return _firstToSecond.Keys; }
ICollection IDictionary.Keys
get { return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).Keys; }
IEnumerable<TFirst> IReadOnlyDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>.Keys
get { return ((IReadOnlyDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>)_firstToSecond).Keys; }
public ICollection<TSecond> Values
get { return _firstToSecond.Values; }
ICollection IDictionary.Values
get { return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).Values; }
IEnumerable<TSecond> IReadOnlyDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>.Values
get { return ((IReadOnlyDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>)_firstToSecond).Values; }
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TFirst, TSecond>> GetEnumerator ()
return _firstToSecond.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return GetEnumerator();
IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator ()
return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).GetEnumerator();
public void Add (TFirst key, TSecond value)
_firstToSecond.Add(key, value);
_secondToFirst.Add(value, key);
void IDictionary.Add (object key, object value)
((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).Add(key, value);
((IDictionary)_secondToFirst).Add(value, key);
public void Add (KeyValuePair<TFirst, TSecond> item)
public bool ContainsKey (TFirst key)
return _firstToSecond.ContainsKey(key);
public bool Contains (KeyValuePair<TFirst, TSecond> item)
return _firstToSecond.Contains(item);
public bool TryGetValue (TFirst key, out TSecond value)
return _firstToSecond.TryGetValue(key, out value);
public bool Remove (TFirst key)
TSecond value;
if (_firstToSecond.TryGetValue(key, out value)) {
return true;
return false;
void IDictionary.Remove (object key)
var firstToSecond = (IDictionary)_firstToSecond;
if (!firstToSecond.Contains(key))
var value = firstToSecond[key];
public bool Remove (KeyValuePair<TFirst, TSecond> item)
return _firstToSecond.Remove(item);
public bool Contains (object key)
return ((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).Contains(key);
public void Clear ()
public void CopyTo (KeyValuePair<TFirst, TSecond>[] array, int arrayIndex)
_firstToSecond.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index)
((IDictionary)_firstToSecond).CopyTo(array, index);
internal void OnDeserialized (StreamingContext context)
foreach (var item in _firstToSecond)
_secondToFirst.Add(item.Value, item.Key);
private class ReverseDictionary : IDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>, IReadOnlyDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>, IDictionary
private readonly BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> _owner;
public ReverseDictionary (BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> owner)
_owner = owner;
public int Count
get { return _owner._secondToFirst.Count; }
object ICollection.SyncRoot
get { return ((ICollection)_owner._secondToFirst).SyncRoot; }
bool ICollection.IsSynchronized
get { return ((ICollection)_owner._secondToFirst).IsSynchronized; }
bool IDictionary.IsFixedSize
get { return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).IsFixedSize; }
public bool IsReadOnly
get { return _owner._secondToFirst.IsReadOnly || _owner._firstToSecond.IsReadOnly; }
public TFirst this [TSecond key]
get { return _owner._secondToFirst[key]; }
_owner._secondToFirst[key] = value;
_owner._firstToSecond[value] = key;
object IDictionary.this [object key]
get { return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst)[key]; }
((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst)[key] = value;
((IDictionary)_owner._firstToSecond)[value] = key;
public ICollection<TSecond> Keys
get { return _owner._secondToFirst.Keys; }
ICollection IDictionary.Keys
get { return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).Keys; }
IEnumerable<TSecond> IReadOnlyDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>.Keys
get { return ((IReadOnlyDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>)_owner._secondToFirst).Keys; }
public ICollection<TFirst> Values
get { return _owner._secondToFirst.Values; }
ICollection IDictionary.Values
get { return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).Values; }
IEnumerable<TFirst> IReadOnlyDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>.Values
get { return ((IReadOnlyDictionary<TSecond, TFirst>)_owner._secondToFirst).Values; }
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TSecond, TFirst>> GetEnumerator ()
return _owner._secondToFirst.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return GetEnumerator();
IDictionaryEnumerator IDictionary.GetEnumerator ()
return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).GetEnumerator();
public void Add (TSecond key, TFirst value)
_owner._secondToFirst.Add(key, value);
_owner._firstToSecond.Add(value, key);
void IDictionary.Add (object key, object value)
((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).Add(key, value);
((IDictionary)_owner._firstToSecond).Add(value, key);
public void Add (KeyValuePair<TSecond, TFirst> item)
public bool ContainsKey (TSecond key)
return _owner._secondToFirst.ContainsKey(key);
public bool Contains (KeyValuePair<TSecond, TFirst> item)
return _owner._secondToFirst.Contains(item);
public bool TryGetValue (TSecond key, out TFirst value)
return _owner._secondToFirst.TryGetValue(key, out value);
public bool Remove (TSecond key)
TFirst value;
if (_owner._secondToFirst.TryGetValue(key, out value)) {
return true;
return false;
void IDictionary.Remove (object key)
var firstToSecond = (IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst;
if (!firstToSecond.Contains(key))
var value = firstToSecond[key];
public bool Remove (KeyValuePair<TSecond, TFirst> item)
return _owner._secondToFirst.Remove(item);
public bool Contains (object key)
return ((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).Contains(key);
public void Clear ()
public void CopyTo (KeyValuePair<TSecond, TFirst>[] array, int arrayIndex)
_owner._secondToFirst.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
void ICollection.CopyTo (Array array, int index)
((IDictionary)_owner._secondToFirst).CopyTo(array, index);
internal class DictionaryDebugView<TKey, TValue>
private readonly IDictionary<TKey, TValue> _dictionary;
[DebuggerBrowsable (DebuggerBrowsableState.RootHidden)]
public KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] Items
var array = new KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[_dictionary.Count];
_dictionary.CopyTo(array, 0);
return array;
public DictionaryDebugView (IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dictionary)
if (dictionary == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("dictionary");
_dictionary = dictionary;
public static class KeyValuePairExts
public static KeyValuePair<TValue, TKey> Reverse<TKey, TValue> (this KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> @this)
return new KeyValuePair<TValue, TKey>(@this.Value, @this.Key);
참조하는 질문은 이 답변 에서 일대일 구현을 보여줍니다 . RemoveByFirst 및 RemoveBySecond를 추가하는 것은 추가 인터페이스 등을 구현하는 것처럼 간단합니다.
이것은 받아 들인 대답과 동일하지만 Update
방법도 제공 했으며 거의 모든 것을 구체화했습니다.
public class BiDictionary<TKey1, TKey2> : IEnumerable<Tuple<TKey1, TKey2>>
Dictionary<TKey1, TKey2> _forwards;
Dictionary<TKey2, TKey1> _reverses;
public int Count
if (_forwards.Count != _reverses.Count)
throw new Exception("somewhere logic went wrong and your data got corrupt");
return _forwards.Count;
public ICollection<TKey1> Key1s
get { return _forwards.Keys; }
public ICollection<TKey2> Key2s
get { return _reverses.Keys; }
public BiDictionary(IEqualityComparer<TKey1> comparer1 = null, IEqualityComparer<TKey2> comparer2 = null)
_forwards = new Dictionary<TKey1, TKey2>(comparer1);
_reverses = new Dictionary<TKey2, TKey1>(comparer2);
public bool ContainsKey1(TKey1 key)
return ContainsKey(key, _forwards);
private static bool ContainsKey<S, T>(S key, Dictionary<S, T> dict)
return dict.ContainsKey(key);
public bool ContainsKey2(TKey2 key)
return ContainsKey(key, _reverses);
public TKey2 GetValueByKey1(TKey1 key)
return GetValueByKey(key, _forwards);
private static T GetValueByKey<S, T>(S key, Dictionary<S, T> dict)
return dict[key];
public TKey1 GetValueByKey2(TKey2 key)
return GetValueByKey(key, _reverses);
public bool TryGetValueByKey1(TKey1 key, out TKey2 value)
return TryGetValue(key, _forwards, out value);
private static bool TryGetValue<S, T>(S key, Dictionary<S, T> dict, out T value)
return dict.TryGetValue(key, out value);
public bool TryGetValueByKey2(TKey2 key, out TKey1 value)
return TryGetValue(key, _reverses, out value);
public bool Add(TKey1 key1, TKey2 key2)
if (ContainsKey1(key1) || ContainsKey2(key2)) // very important
return false;
AddOrUpdate(key1, key2);
return true;
public void AddOrUpdateByKey1(TKey1 key1, TKey2 key2)
if (!UpdateByKey1(key1, key2))
AddOrUpdate(key1, key2);
// dont make this public; a dangerous method used cautiously in this class
private void AddOrUpdate(TKey1 key1, TKey2 key2)
_forwards[key1] = key2;
_reverses[key2] = key1;
public void AddOrUpdateKeyByKey2(TKey2 key2, TKey1 key1)
if (!UpdateByKey2(key2, key1))
AddOrUpdate(key1, key2);
public bool UpdateKey1(TKey1 oldKey, TKey1 newKey)
return UpdateKey(oldKey, _forwards, newKey, (key1, key2) => AddOrUpdate(key1, key2));
private static bool UpdateKey<S, T>(S oldKey, Dictionary<S, T> dict, S newKey, Action<S, T> updater)
T otherKey;
if (!TryGetValue(oldKey, dict, out otherKey) || ContainsKey(newKey, dict))
return false;
Remove(oldKey, dict);
updater(newKey, otherKey);
return true;
public bool UpdateKey2(TKey2 oldKey, TKey2 newKey)
return UpdateKey(oldKey, _reverses, newKey, (key1, key2) => AddOrUpdate(key2, key1));
public bool UpdateByKey1(TKey1 key1, TKey2 key2)
return UpdateByKey(key1, _forwards, _reverses, key2, (k1, k2) => AddOrUpdate(k1, k2));
private static bool UpdateByKey<S, T>(S key1, Dictionary<S, T> forwards, Dictionary<T, S> reverses, T key2,
Action<S, T> updater)
T otherKey;
if (!TryGetValue(key1, forwards, out otherKey) || ContainsKey(key2, reverses))
return false;
if (!Remove(otherKey, reverses))
throw new Exception("somewhere logic went wrong and your data got corrupt");
updater(key1, key2);
return true;
public bool UpdateByKey2(TKey2 key2, TKey1 key1)
return UpdateByKey(key2, _reverses, _forwards, key1, (k1, k2) => AddOrUpdate(k2, k1));
public bool RemoveByKey1(TKey1 key)
return RemoveByKey(key, _forwards, _reverses);
private static bool RemoveByKey<S, T>(S key, Dictionary<S, T> keyDict, Dictionary<T, S> valueDict)
T otherKey;
if (!TryGetValue(key, keyDict, out otherKey))
return false;
if (!Remove(key, keyDict) || !Remove(otherKey, valueDict))
throw new Exception("somewhere logic went wrong and your data got corrupt");
return true;
private static bool Remove<S, T>(S key, Dictionary<S, T> dict)
return dict.Remove(key);
public bool RemoveByKey2(TKey2 key)
return RemoveByKey(key, _reverses, _forwards);
public void Clear()
public IEnumerator<Tuple<TKey1, TKey2>> GetEnumerator()
if (_forwards.Count != _reverses.Count)
throw new Exception("somewhere logic went wrong and your data got corrupt");
foreach (var item in _forwards)
yield return Tuple.Create(item.Key, item.Value);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
여기 내 대답과 비슷합니다.
몇 가지 유의할 사항 :
이 특별한 컬렉션 구조에 대해 메서드 이름이 모두 다를 수 있으므로 여기서는 의미 가 없다고 생각 합니다. 무엇이 들어갈 지 결정하는 것은 당신에게 달려 있습니다IEnumerable<>
. 이제 컬렉션 이니셜 라이저 구문도 있습니다.var p = new BiDictionary<int, string> { 1, "a" }, { 2, "b" } };
데이터 무결성을 위해 여기저기서 몇 가지 이상한 예외가 발생하도록 시도했습니다. 내 코드에 버그가 있는지 알 수 있도록 더 안전한쪽에 있어야합니다.
성능 :
둘 중 하나 를 사용하여 검색 할 수 있습니다.Keys
1 회 조회 (O (1)) 만 필요합니다.Add
2 개의 조회와 2 개의 추가가 필요합니다.Update
조회 1 회와 추가 2 회가 필요합니다.Remove
3 번 조회합니다. 모두 수락 된 답변과 유사합니다.
C5 컬렉션 클래스를 사용하여 이러한 클래스를 만들었습니다.
public class Mapper<K,T> : IEnumerable<T>
C5.TreeDictionary<K,T> KToTMap = new TreeDictionary<K,T>();
C5.HashDictionary<T,K> TToKMap = new HashDictionary<T,K>();
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the Mapper class.
/// </summary>
public Mapper()
KToTMap = new TreeDictionary<K,T>();
TToKMap = new HashDictionary<T,K>();
public void Add(K key, T value)
KToTMap.Add(key, value);
TToKMap.Add(value, key);
public bool ContainsKey(K key)
return KToTMap.Contains(key);
public int Count
get { return KToTMap.Count; }
public K this[T obj]
return TToKMap[obj];
public T this[K obj]
return KToTMap[obj];
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
return KToTMap.Values.GetEnumerator();
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return KToTMap.Values.GetEnumerator();
수락 된 답변에 대한 또 다른 확장입니다. IEnumerable을 구현하므로 foreach를 사용할 수 있습니다. IEnumerable 구현에 더 많은 답변이 있다는 것을 알고 있지만 이것은 구조체를 사용하므로 가비지 수집기 친화적 입니다. 이것은 Unity 엔진 에서 특히 유용 합니다 (프로파일 러로 확인).
/// <summary>
/// This is a dictionary guaranteed to have only one of each value and key.
/// It may be searched either by TFirst or by TSecond, giving a unique answer because it is 1 to 1.
/// It implements garbage-collector-friendly IEnumerable.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TFirst">The type of the "key"</typeparam>
/// <typeparam name="TSecond">The type of the "value"</typeparam>
public class BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond> : IEnumerable<BiDictionary<TFirst, TSecond>.Pair>
public struct Pair
public TFirst First;
public TSecond Second;
public struct Enumerator : IEnumerator<Pair>, IEnumerator
public Enumerator(Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>.Enumerator dictEnumerator)
_dictEnumerator = dictEnumerator;
public Pair Current
Pair pair;
pair.First = _dictEnumerator.Current.Key;
pair.Second = _dictEnumerator.Current.Value;
return pair;
object IEnumerator.Current
return Current;
public void Dispose()
public bool MoveNext()
return _dictEnumerator.MoveNext();
public void Reset()
throw new NotSupportedException();
private Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>.Enumerator _dictEnumerator;
#region Exception throwing methods
/// <summary>
/// Tries to add the pair to the dictionary.
/// Throws an exception if either element is already in the dictionary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
public void Add(TFirst first, TSecond second)
if (_firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) || _secondToFirst.ContainsKey(second))
throw new ArgumentException("Duplicate first or second");
_firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
_secondToFirst.Add(second, first);
/// <summary>
/// Find the TSecond corresponding to the TFirst first
/// Throws an exception if first is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key to search for</param>
/// <returns>the value corresponding to first</returns>
public TSecond GetByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!_firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
throw new ArgumentException("first");
return second;
/// <summary>
/// Find the TFirst corresponing to the Second second.
/// Throws an exception if second is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key to search for</param>
/// <returns>the value corresponding to second</returns>
public TFirst GetBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!_secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
throw new ArgumentException("second");
return first;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing first.
/// If first is not in the dictionary, throws an Exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key of the record to delete</param>
public void RemoveByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!_firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
throw new ArgumentException("first");
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing second.
/// If second is not in the dictionary, throws an Exception.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key of the record to delete</param>
public void RemoveBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!_secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
throw new ArgumentException("second");
#region Try methods
/// <summary>
/// Tries to add the pair to the dictionary.
/// Returns false if either element is already in the dictionary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns>true if successfully added, false if either element are already in the dictionary</returns>
public bool TryAdd(TFirst first, TSecond second)
if (_firstToSecond.ContainsKey(first) || _secondToFirst.ContainsKey(second))
return false;
_firstToSecond.Add(first, second);
_secondToFirst.Add(second, first);
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Find the TSecond corresponding to the TFirst first.
/// Returns false if first is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first">the key to search for</param>
/// <param name="second">the corresponding value</param>
/// <returns>true if first is in the dictionary, false otherwise</returns>
public bool TryGetByFirst(TFirst first, out TSecond second)
return _firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second);
/// <summary>
/// Find the TFirst corresponding to the TSecond second.
/// Returns false if second is not in the dictionary.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second">the key to search for</param>
/// <param name="first">the corresponding value</param>
/// <returns>true if second is in the dictionary, false otherwise</returns>
public bool TryGetBySecond(TSecond second, out TFirst first)
return _secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first);
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing first, if there is one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="first"></param>
/// <returns> If first is not in the dictionary, returns false, otherwise true</returns>
public bool TryRemoveByFirst(TFirst first)
TSecond second;
if (!_firstToSecond.TryGetValue(first, out second))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// Remove the record containing second, if there is one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="second"></param>
/// <returns> If second is not in the dictionary, returns false, otherwise true</returns>
public bool TryRemoveBySecond(TSecond second)
TFirst first;
if (!_secondToFirst.TryGetValue(second, out first))
return false;
return true;
/// <summary>
/// The number of pairs stored in the dictionary
/// </summary>
public Int32 Count
get { return _firstToSecond.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// Removes all items from the dictionary.
/// </summary>
public void Clear()
public Enumerator GetEnumerator()
return new Enumerator(_firstToSecond.GetEnumerator());
IEnumerator<Pair> IEnumerable<Pair>.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return GetEnumerator();
private Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond> _firstToSecond = new Dictionary<TFirst, TSecond>();
private Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst> _secondToFirst = new Dictionary<TSecond, TFirst>();
조금 늦었지만 여기에 내가 오래전에 작성한 구현이 있습니다. 키가 부분 동등성을 수행하기 위해 동등성 검사를 재정의하는 경우와 같이 몇 가지 흥미로운 가장자리 사례를 처리합니다. 이로 인해 기본 사전 저장이 발생 A => 1
하지만 역 저장이 발생 1 => A'
다음을 통해 역 사전에 액세스합니다. Inverse
속성을 .
var map = new BidirectionalDictionary<int, int>();
map.Add(1, 2);
var result = map.Inverse[2]; // result is 1
// BidirectionalDictionary.cs
// Author:
// Chris Chilvers <chilversc@googlemail.com>
// Copyright (c) 2009 Chris Chilvers
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Cadenza.Collections
public class BidirectionalDictionary<TKey, TValue> : IDictionary<TKey, TValue>
private readonly IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer;
private readonly IEqualityComparer<TValue> valueComparer;
private readonly Dictionary<TKey, TValue> keysToValues;
private readonly Dictionary<TValue, TKey> valuesToKeys;
private readonly BidirectionalDictionary<TValue, TKey> inverse;
public BidirectionalDictionary () : this (10, null, null) {}
public BidirectionalDictionary (int capacity) : this (capacity, null, null) {}
public BidirectionalDictionary (IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer, IEqualityComparer<TValue> valueComparer)
: this (10, keyComparer, valueComparer)
public BidirectionalDictionary (int capacity, IEqualityComparer<TKey> keyComparer, IEqualityComparer<TValue> valueComparer)
if (capacity < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("capacity", capacity, "capacity cannot be less than 0");
this.keyComparer = keyComparer ?? EqualityComparer<TKey>.Default;
this.valueComparer = valueComparer ?? EqualityComparer<TValue>.Default;
keysToValues = new Dictionary<TKey, TValue> (capacity, this.keyComparer);
valuesToKeys = new Dictionary<TValue, TKey> (capacity, this.valueComparer);
inverse = new BidirectionalDictionary<TValue, TKey> (this);
private BidirectionalDictionary (BidirectionalDictionary<TValue, TKey> inverse)
this.inverse = inverse;
keyComparer = inverse.valueComparer;
valueComparer = inverse.keyComparer;
valuesToKeys = inverse.keysToValues;
keysToValues = inverse.valuesToKeys;
public BidirectionalDictionary<TValue, TKey> Inverse {
get { return inverse; }
public ICollection<TKey> Keys {
get { return keysToValues.Keys; }
public ICollection<TValue> Values {
get { return keysToValues.Values; }
public IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>> GetEnumerator ()
return keysToValues.GetEnumerator ();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
return GetEnumerator ();
void ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.CopyTo (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>[] array, int arrayIndex)
((ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>) keysToValues).CopyTo (array, arrayIndex);
public bool ContainsKey (TKey key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
return keysToValues.ContainsKey (key);
public bool ContainsValue (TValue value)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
return valuesToKeys.ContainsKey (value);
bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Contains (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item)
return ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>) keysToValues).Contains (item);
public bool TryGetKey (TValue value, out TKey key)
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
return valuesToKeys.TryGetValue (value, out key);
public bool TryGetValue (TKey key, out TValue value)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
return keysToValues.TryGetValue (key, out value);
public TValue this[TKey key] {
get { return keysToValues [key]; }
set {
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
//foo[5] = "bar"; foo[6] = "bar"; should not be valid
//as it would have to remove foo[5], which is unexpected.
if (ValueBelongsToOtherKey (key, value))
throw new ArgumentException ("Value already exists", "value");
TValue oldValue;
if (keysToValues.TryGetValue (key, out oldValue)) {
// Use the current key for this value to stay consistent
// with Dictionary<TKey, TValue> which does not alter
// the key if it exists.
TKey oldKey = valuesToKeys [oldValue];
keysToValues [oldKey] = value;
valuesToKeys.Remove (oldValue);
valuesToKeys [value] = oldKey;
} else {
keysToValues [key] = value;
valuesToKeys [value] = key;
public int Count {
get { return keysToValues.Count; }
bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.IsReadOnly {
get { return false; }
public void Add (TKey key, TValue value)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
if (keysToValues.ContainsKey (key))
throw new ArgumentException ("Key already exists", "key");
if (valuesToKeys.ContainsKey (value))
throw new ArgumentException ("Value already exists", "value");
keysToValues.Add (key, value);
valuesToKeys.Add (value, key);
public void Replace (TKey key, TValue value)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
if (value == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("value");
// replaces a key value pair, if the key or value already exists those mappings will be replaced.
// e.g. you have; a -> b, b -> a; c -> d, d -> c
// you add the mapping; a -> d, d -> a
// this will remove both of the original mappings
Remove (key);
inverse.Remove (value);
Add (key, value);
void ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Add (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item)
Add (item.Key, item.Value);
public bool Remove (TKey key)
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException ("key");
TValue value;
if (keysToValues.TryGetValue (key, out value)) {
keysToValues.Remove (key);
valuesToKeys.Remove (value);
return true;
else {
return false;
bool ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>.Remove (KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue> item)
bool removed = ((ICollection<KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>>) keysToValues).Remove (item);
if (removed)
valuesToKeys.Remove (item.Value);
return removed;
public void Clear ()
keysToValues.Clear ();
valuesToKeys.Clear ();
private bool ValueBelongsToOtherKey (TKey key, TValue value)
TKey otherKey;
if (valuesToKeys.TryGetValue (value, out otherKey))
// if the keys are not equal the value belongs to another key
return !keyComparer.Equals (key, otherKey);
// value doesn't exist in map, thus it cannot belong to another key
return false;
